Sri Pada trek

08.30 - After reaching the hotel, we took a much-needed break to freshen up and have a hearty breakfast. We were exhausted, but the beautiful views of the surrounding landscape and the feeling of accomplishment made it all worth it. The hotel staff told us stories of other hikers and the wildlife that inhabits the area, making us feel even more connected to this beautiful place.

10.00 - With our energy restored, we decided to explore the village of Nallathaniya and its surroundings. We strolled through the streets, admiring the simple yet charming architecture of the homes and interacting with the friendly locals who were always ready to share a smile and some local knowledge. We also visited a nearby waterfall, which was a perfect spot to relax and enjoy the soothing sound of water cascading down the rocks.

12.30 - After spending some time at the waterfall, we returned to the hotel for lunch. We were treated to a delicious spread of traditional Sri Lankan dishes, including rice and curry, kottu roti, and string hoppers. The food was flavorful and satisfying, and we couldn't help but go for seconds.

14.00 - In the afternoon, we decided to take a walk through the nearby tea plantations, learning about the process of tea production and the importance of the tea industry in Sri Lanka. The lush green tea fields stretched out as far as the eye could see, and the aroma of fresh tea leaves filled the air.

16.00 - As the day began to wind down, we headed back to the hotel to rest and prepare for our journey back to Hatton. We reflected on the incredible experience we had hiking Adam's Peak, the friendly locals we encountered, and the breathtaking views that surrounded us every step of the way.

18.00 - After freshening up and packing our bags, we bid farewell to our gracious hosts and embarked on our journey back to Hatton. This time, we opted for a tuk-tuk ride, taking in the scenic beauty of the countryside as we made our way back to the bustling town.

20.00 - We arrived in Hatton and settled into our accommodation for the night. As we lay in our beds, our muscles ached from the long hike, but our hearts were full of gratitude for the unforgettable experience we had on this journey.

In the end, our adventure to Adam's Peak taught us the importance of perseverance, the value of connecting with nature, and the beauty of encountering new cultures and landscapes. It was a trip that we would remember and cherish for a lifetime.